Paytm Rs 80 Free Recharge Trick 2015
Paytm is a company which provides both free recharge and a platform for purchasing items online at cheaper price . Paytm gives free recharges to its users for doing recharges and shopping from their site . Currently paytm is available for both android and Ios . These days paytm is giving free recharges , discounts , coupons on doing payments From their site . So its becomes easier to do shopping online and paying your electricity bill or your dth bill from one place .WHAT IS NEEDED FOR THIS Paytm HACK TRICK
- More than 1 android mobile phones .
- More than 1 paytm fully approved accounts .
- 1 Paytm wallet app and working accounts .
- A computer and a android emulator like Youwave.
- 4 different browsers .
- Good internet connection .
- Trick is only for new customers.
How Will You Get This Paytm 80 Ka Loot / Hack Trick
From past few months Paytm gives 4 free working coupons for free paytm cash in wallet but not working there days and are:
Don't think you will not get free recharge , and the problem is you can use only 1 code at a time . So this article will let you know how to use all 4 recharge codes at the same time . If you succeed in using all 4 codes , then you will get a sum of rs 80 in your account .CASH20 ( NOT WORKING)
How To Get Rs.80 In Paytm Wallet
You have to follow some steps below . Note that timing are most important factor in this trick and good presence of mind is a must . Now follow below tricks .Here Are The Steps To Get Rs.80 In Paytm Wallet :
- You have to create a new paytm account and should verify with mobile number .
- Now Go to your Paytm Wallet account .
- Desktop users just Open paytm in chrome , Firefox, opera , internet explorer . And for mobile phone user open Paytm site in uc web browser , opera , chrome and default android browser.
- Now sign in to all 4 opened browser with same new account which you create in 1st step .
- Now open chrome use Promo Code FREE25 and then click on Apply button but do not click on "Add to Wallet" button .
- Now open internet explorer and use Promo code Cash20 .
- And in Mozilla Firefox browser use Promo code Free15
- Then in opera pc browser use Promo code free20.
- Critical step : open all 4 browsers one by one and click on add to wallet button . Wait for 2 minutes and reload your paytm wallet account and see rs 80 credited to your account .
Comment here and ask everything about this trick .

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